Generate E-Auction Plots E-Challan & Make Payment

Important Instruction:-To fillup challan and make payment
Note 1:- Challan once generated and payment made through it, can't be used again the same challan.
Payment made through used challan shall be treated as Invalid !
नोट 1:- एक बार चालान बनाने के बाद और इसके माध्यम से एक बार भुगतान करने के पश्चात्, उसी चालान को दोबारा भुगतान करने के लिए प्रयोग नहीं किया जा सकता है।चालान के माध्यम से दुबारा किया गया भुगतान अमान्य माना जाएगा!
Note 2:- Pay exact amount which is given in challan, more or less payment amount shall be treated as Invalid !
नोट 2:- चालान में जो राशि दी गई है, उसका सटीक भुगतान करें, कम या ज्यादा भुगतान राशि को अमान्य माना जाएगा!
Note 3:- No Chargeback will be permitted through Banks. For any chargeback, the customer/allottee will have to contact DDA. Misuse of charge back facility may lead to cancellation of allotment/application
Note 4:- Discontinuation of Receipt of payment through manual challan.
File Details
* Select Department  
* Zone/District
* Locality/Colony
*Pan Number
*Bidder User ID
*Plot NO
Flat/Plot/Unit Details
Sector Block Pocket/Street *Flat/Plot/Unit No.
FL NO/ID Area Sq. Mtr. Scheme
Remark If Any,
Allottee Details
*Name of the Applicant/ Allottee/Occupant
Pin Code
*Depositor Name
*Email ID
*Mobile No. [Not add +91]
Type of Payment
Payment Type Code Amount
Total Amount
Mode of Payment
Generate Challan
Please enter image code 
Note: For get your challan details, Please check your mail id, Spam folder also.